Soft Drinks, Soda and Pop Spills

DO NOT SCRUB as this may cause nap distortion

Soft Drinks

  1. Always pretest
  2. Apply warm detergent solution, blot.
  3. Apply ammonia solution,  blot.
  4. Apply vinegar solution, blot.
  5. Rinse thoroughly with water, blot until dry

DETERGENT 1 tsp.dye free neutral detergent 1 cup warm water

AMMONIA 1tbls. Clear ammonia in 1/2 cup  water

VINEGAR 1/3 cup white vinegar in 2/3 cup  water.

CAUTION: Ammonia will “set stains “on natural fibers like wool and silk but may help in stain removal from other types of fibers.

Red Wine Stains

Berber CarpetsDO NOT SCRUB as this may cause nap distortion

Red Wine Stains

  1. Always pretest
  2. Apply detergent solution, blot.
  3. Apply ammonia solution, blot.
  4. Apply vinegar solution, blot.

DETERGENT 1 tsp. dye free neutral detergent 1 cup warm water

AMMONIA 1tbls. Clear ammonia in 1/2 cup water

VINEGAR  1/3 cup white vinegar in 2/3 cup water

CAUTION: Ammonia will “set stains “on natural fibers like wool and silk but may help in stain removal from other types of fibers.